Recognised Projects
Sikunye (isiXhosa for 'we are together') inspires, equips and supports churches to care for families with children in their First Thousand Days.
The First Thousand Days (from conception to two years) is a never-to-be-repeated time of brain development: when many foundations are laid for future learning. All children need to consistently receive enough of the right kind of care to realise the potential that God has put in every one of them.
This focuses attention on the caregiver: when they are doing well, they can provide what their young child needs. Sadly, when they are not doing well, they are not as nurturing or responsive as they need to be. All parents need support. This is where the local church comes in: they are the modern-day village around caregivers to see them thrive and their young children reach their God-given potential.
Through webinars and online resources, churches are better able to provide the type of support and care that families need so they can ensure that their young children thrive.
Sikunye is an initiative of Common Good, a faith-based organisation based in Cape Town, South Africa. In 2017 they embarked on a now-published research project exploring: What is the role of the local church in the first thousand days of a child’s life? The findings reveal that every church has strengths and assets that can be used to support caregivers in this crucial window of time.
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