Over the past 9 months, NAYBA has been conducting a pioneering piece of research into the Australian Church's response to mental health.
Informed by interviews with over 40 church leaders, mental health experts, theologians, and individuals with lived experience, we pray the results will be a source of encouragement and a call to action.
NAYBA New Zealand activates and resources churches to better love their neighbours and transform their neighbourhoods.
We help local churches to replicate best-practice community projects, measure social impact and providing sustainable solutions to poverty.
As Christians, we're often asked: “How is the Church actually making a difference?” We know we’re called to love our neighbour as ourselves and, across our nation, there are countless examples of local churches and everyday Christians doing just that.
But how do we capture and quantify the ways that faith is having a positive impact in the community? How do we celebrate the ‘good news of the good works’ of the Church, while also identifying gaps and opportunities to even better serve people in need?
We want to tell a new story about what it means to be a follower of Jesus and we need your help. Get in touch with us now and share the good works of your church or ministry.
NAYBA har udviklet et værktøj til at måle og formidle den fælles sociale indsats udført af trossamfund og trosbaserede organisationer i en by eller en region. Vi kalder det NAYBA Impact Audit.
NAYBA Danmark har for netop gennemført en sådan undersøgelse i Aarhus, og resultaterne viser, at de trosbaserede fællesskaber har et stort hjerte for byen og dens borgere. Dette ses både ud af antallet af indsatser, der adresserer aktuelle sociale udfordringer, samt det fortsatte engagement på områder, der er helt centrale for lokalsamfundet.
Bring NAYBA's work to your country, city or church.