
NAYBA's impact on neighbourhoods revealed

Matt Bird

NAYBA started life to help churches transform their neighbourhood using a variety of tried and tested programmes and tools. Over the past 12 months our work has help churches around the globe reach out in new and exciting ways.

As we begin 2022, the seeds sown in 2021 will continue to bear fruit… and it’s exciting because we believe these will flourish further!

In an previous blog, we explained how last year began with our founder Matt Bird challenging the church to spread hope by helping those without work following the pandemic. After an article in The Times of London, a programme – Spirit of Enterprise – was launched and has already recorded great success.

This will continue to grow in 2022 and churches as more churches become Enterprise Hubs.

If your church is considering practical ways of transforming its neighbourhood, taking part in the Spirit of Enterprise will help you do that. But don’t just take our word for it. We have spoken to a pastor, whose church set up an Enterprise Hub last year, and one of the participants who has since launched an enterprise.


Rev Neil Stanton, whose church set up an Enterprise Hub in Northwich, in the UK, said:

“In the beginning of the year, when I read The Times newspaper article about the church encouraging the God-given gift of enterprise in communities, I was incredibly inspired. Soon I ordered the book and read The Spirit of Enterprise’ Now NAYBA is supporting our church to run The Spirit of Enterprise Course for people in our community who are marginalised and want to start a business. We could never have done this without NAYBA’s help!”

The Northwich Hub has since helped André set up an Enterprise. He said:

“I am quite actively involved with community events and someone mentioned the Spirit of Enterprise Course. I didn’t know what to expect from the course, but I've been a struggling artist for the last 25 years, mainly because I find it hard to value my own work.

“The Spirit of Enterprise course has shown me how my art can be an enterprise. I have set up a business concentrating on the three different areas I work in: photography, design and printing. The course enabled me to take that leap of faith and create that business.  It has given me the confidence to grow and to communicate with people better. I was not expecting to come out of the other side with a fully running idea for a business. It’s not something I ever imagined.”

Another area that has seen growth that will continue this year, is our Replicate project. This helps churches that run successful programmes help other churches replicate their work. By learning from the experience of others, churches can put effective practices in place to lead transformation.


One Replicate project is a STEPS course, which helps local churches support people who are struggling with unhelpful or addictive behaviours.

Darren took part in a STEPS course in the UK. He said:

“My life has been, I would say, quite an adventure. I was struggling with lots of unhelpful patterns of behaviour. I would throw my energy into so many things such as career recognition, or doing things that looked positive to other people making sure that they thought good things about me and only had good things to say about me.

“On the other side came the concealing behaviours, stuff I wasn’t proud of - coping mechanisms and behaviours like being quite materialistic in terms of the things I want to own. And then my own desires became unhelpful thought patterns as well. There were aspects of pornography and sexual immorality - attempts to give temporary relief to things. So I wouldn't say I came into STEPS with one thing - but it was like a buffet of behaviours and I couldn’t even decide on what to focus on. What I found was that the things that stopped me from seeking help was pride and the fear of being vulnerable.

“The STEPS Course gave me the understanding of not looking at myself like I was unworthy, or not holy or not valuable or not loved. But it gave me a whole new way of looking at my life and my past and being comfortable and being at peace with that.

“I can now be confident that despite my dark past, I've now entered into the light and I see myself differently. I see myself as maybe there’s part of my story on how I can help others as well because I felt a lot of help from just opening up being vulnerable. STEPS has been kind of like having a second shot at life.”

Another Replicate project is Stable One, which ‘provides more than a place to stay’ to the homeless.

Alex (not his real name) is based in Australia. He was in a motel before joining the Lodge, which is run by a local church. He has now moved into longer-term housing through a a local church connection. Alex said:

“What can I say? This time in my life will be with me for the rest of my days. This has been the catalyst which will help me to enjoy and live life again to the fullest.”


Our Civic work helps us identify areas in which churches can increase their impact within their own community. One of those ways is by inviting us to carry out NAYBA Impact Audits.

We have many stories of how Impact Audits have been a catalyst for churches.

The first NAYBA Impact Audit was carried out in the City of Frankston, Victoria, Australia in October 2021. The focus was on the impact a programme, called ACTIVE, which uses physical activity to help those struggling with mental and other health issues.

Pastor Rick Paynter said:

“We believe there is a unique and critical role for Christians to play in the area of health and wellbeing. God’s desire is for human flourishing and that includes the way we treat our bodies. We see sport as a powerful way to create social connections and build a stronger sense of community.”

We are carrying out NAYBA Impact Audits around the world, from Australia to the USA.

As we start a new year, we stand ready to give churches all the support they need to make an impact. If you would like to know more, contact us today.

Want to be part of the transformation?

Let’s connect – use the form below and we will give you free access to the Spirit of Enterprise course materials.

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